Method of Undetermined Coefficients using X's on left hand side

I have a couple questions on this question.

The question is asking me to find the general solution to

$$x'' + 6x' + 9x = \cos(2t) + \sin(2t).$$

Solving for the general solution, I got $$Y_c = C_1e^{-3x}+ C_2xe^{-3x}.$$

I was wondering if the fact that the left hand side uses $x$'s instead of $y$'s matters? For almost every question, it uses $y$'s instead of $x$'s.

Also, for $Y_p$, I got $Y_p = A\cos(2t) + B\sin(2t)$.

I ultimately got the answer to be $$C_1e^{-3x}+ C_2xe^{-3x} - (7\cos(2t)/169) +(17\cos(2t)/169),$$ which I do not feel to be correct.

In this problem, $x$ is the dependant variable, and $t$ is the independant variable. It looks like for your homogenous solution, you solved the homogenous ODE

$$y_c''(x)+6y_c'(x)+9y_c(x)=0$$ With the result


All the work you did in solving this is totally valid, but you renamed both variables for the ODE. Using the original variables from the problem, we get, $$x_c''(t)+6x_c'(t)+9x_c(t)=0$$ $$\Rightarrow x_c(t)=C_1e^{-3t}+C_2te^{-3t}$$

Your $y_p(t)$ is calculated correctly, but again should actually be named $x_p(t)$.

You can then get the final answer by adding $x_c(t)$ and $x_p(t)$.