Samba share folder not showing

Windows 10 if configured the way Microsoft wants you to configure it by default will never be able to "discover" your Ubuntu samba shares.

That does not mean you cannot connect to it from Win10. You have 2 options:

[1] Connect to it directly in explorer by it's ip address - for example:


[2] Win10 can use mDNS to connect to the server - addressed by it's host name with a .local attached at the end:


Just make sure avahi is installed on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install avahi-daemon

If you really want Win10 to be able to discover your server you really only have 2 options:

[A] Win10 uses something called WS-Discovery ( WSD ) to discover hosts. Samba doesn't do WSD but with a bit of work you can make it work:

Download the folder:


UnZip it:


Rename the python script:

sudo mv wsdd-master/src/ wsdd-master/src/wsdd

Copy it to bin:

sudo cp wsdd-master/src/wsdd /usr/bin

Copy the systemd service file to /etc/systemd/system:

sudo cp wsdd-master/etc/systemd/wsdd.service /etc/systemd/system

Reload the service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start the service:

sudo systemctl start wsdd

Enable the service so it starts at boot:

sudo systemctl enable wsdd

[B] Enable NetBIOS on both Win10 and Ubuntu - This is something Win10 is trying to get away from since it considers it a security issue:

In Win10: Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off > SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support > SMB 1.0/CIFS Client.

In Ubuntu: Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and right under the workgroup = WORKGROUP line add this one:

server min protocol = NT1

You would think that a simple restart of the service would be enough - and it might be in your case:

sudo service smbd restart

But NetBIOS is a relic of a bygone era and you might have to reboot the box.

NetBIOS is a nasty thing to work with so you may need to do some other tweaks to get it working.