list.reverse does not return list?

You can use slicing to return the reversed list:


You can use reversed(formation) to return a reverse iterator of formation. When you call formation.reverse() it does an in place reversal of the list and returns None.


I see what you are trying to do now, in my opinion it's easier to just do this with a list comprehension:

def solution(formation):
    return len([k for k in formation[formation.index(bCamel)+1:] if k == fCamel]) == 0

This basically looks at all the elements after the first bCamel and collects all the elements that have the value fCamel. If that list has a length == 0 you have a solution.

Here's a few examples:

>>> k = ['F','F','B','B','F']
>>> solution(k)
>>> k = ['F','F','B','B','B']
>>> solution(k)
>>> k = ['F','F','B','F','F','B','B']
>>> solution(k)