SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby://localhost:1527

Solution 1:

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/

This exception has two causes:

  • The driver is not loaded.
  • The JDBC URL is malformed.

In your case, I'd expect to see a database name at the end of the connection string. For example (use create=true if you want the database to be created if it doesn't exist):


Databases are created by default in the directory where the Network Server was started up. But you can also specify an absolute path to the database location:


And just in case, check that derbyclient.jar is on the class path and that you are loading the appropriate driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver when working in server mode.

Solution 2:

Notice: you can download it from here.

If you can't find it, then

  1. Find your project in projects selection tab

  2. Right click "Libraries"

  3. Click "Add JAR/Folder..."

  4. Choose "derbyclient.jar"

  5. Click "Open", then you will see "derbyclient.jar" under your "Libraries"

Make sure your URL, user name, password is correct, and run your code:)

Solution 3:

For me

DriverManager.registerDriver(new org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver());

helped. In this way, the DriveManager does know the derby EmbeddedDriver. Maybe allocating a new EmbeddedDriver is to heavy but on the other side, Class.forName needs try/catch/doSomethingIntelligentWithException that I dont like very much.

Solution 4:

The JDBC DriverManager can't find any suitable Driver for the given connection URL. Either the JDBC driver isn't loaded at all before connecting the DB, or the connection URL is wrong. Since the connection URL looks fine, I bet that the driver isn't loaded at all. You need to load the driver during application's startup before connecting the DB. For Apache Derby, the driver class name is org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver. So:


Solution 5:

I had the same problem when I was writing Java application on Netbeans.Here is the solution:

  1. Find your project in projects selection tab

  2. Right click "Libraries"

  3. Click "Add JAR/Folder..."

  4. Choose "derbyclient.jar"

  5. Click "Open", then you will see "derbyclient.jar" under your "Libraries"

  6. Make sure your URL, user name, pass word is correct, and run your code:)