pair-wise duplicate removal from dataframe [duplicate]

This seems like a simple problem but I can't seem to figure it out. I'd like to remove duplicates from a dataframe (df) if two columns have the same values, even if those values are in the reverse order. What I mean is, say you have the following data frame:

a <- c(rep("A", 3), rep("B", 3), rep("C",2))
b <- c('A','B','B','C','A','A','B','B')
df <-data.frame(a,b)

  a b
1 A A
2 A B
3 A B
4 B C
5 B A
6 B A
7 C B
8 C B

If I now remove duplicates, I get the following data frame:


  a b
3 A B
6 B A
8 C B

However, I would also like to remove the row 6 in this data frame, since "A", "B" is the same as "B", "A". How can I do this automatically?

Ideally I could specify which two columns to compare since the data frames could have varying columns and can be quite large.


Extending Ari's answer, to specify columns to check if other columns are also there:

a <- c(rep("A", 3), rep("B", 3), rep("C",2))
b <- c('A','B','B','C','A','A','B','B')
df <-data.frame(a,b)

df$c = sample(1:10,8)
df$d = sample(LETTERS,8)
  a b  c d
1 A A 10 B
2 A B  8 S
3 A B  7 J
4 B C  3 Q
5 B A  2 I
6 B A  6 U
7 C B  4 L
8 C B  5 V

cols = c(1,2)
newdf = df[,cols]
for (i in 1:nrow(df)){
    newdf[i, ] = sort(df[i,cols])

  a b c d
1 A A 8 X
2 A B 7 L
4 B C 2 P

One solution is to first sort each row of df:

for (i in 1:nrow(df))
    df[i, ] = sort(df[i, ])

a b
1 A A
2 A B
3 A B
4 B C
5 A B
6 A B
7 B C
8 B C

At that point it's just a matter of removing the duplicated elements:

df = df[!duplicated(df),]
  a b 
1 A A
2 A B
4 B C

As thelatemail mentioned in the comments, your code actualy keeps the duplicates. You need to use !duplicated to remove them.

The other answers use a for loop to assign a value for each and every row. While this is not an issue if you have 100 rows, or even a thousand, you're going to be waiting a while if you have large data of the order of 1M rows.

Stealing from the other linked answer using data.table, you could try something like:


A comparison benchmark with a larger dataset (df2):

df2 <- df[sample(1:nrow(df),50000,replace=TRUE),]

# user  system elapsed 
# 0.07    0.00    0.06 

  for (i in 1:nrow(df2))
      df2[i, ] = sort(df2[i, ])
#   user  system elapsed 
#  42.07    0.02   42.09 

Using apply will be a better option than loops.

newDf <- data.frame(t(apply(df,1,sort)))

All you need to do now is remove duplicates.

newDf <- newDf[!duplicated(newDf),]