Print without space in python 3

Solution 1:

You can use the sep parameter to get rid of the spaces:

>>> print("a","b","c")
a b c
>>> print("a","b","c",sep="")

I don't know what you mean by "Java style"; in Python you can't add strings to (say) integers that way, although if a and b are strings it'll work. You have several other options, of course:

>>> print("a = ", a, ", b = ", b, sep="") 
a = 2, b = 3
>>> print("a = " + str(a) + ", b = " + str(b))
a = 2, b = 3
>>> print("a = {}, b = {}".format(a,b))
a = 2, b = 3
>>> print(f"a = {a}, b = {b}")
a = 2, b = 3

The last one requires Python 3.6 or later. For earlier versions, you can simulate the same effect (although I don't recommend this in general, it comes in handy sometimes and there's no point pretending otherwise):

>>> print("a = {a}, b = {b}".format(**locals()))
a = 2, b = 3
>>> print("b = {b}, a = {a}".format(**locals()))
b = 3, a = 2

Solution 2:

The actual syntax of the print() function is

print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)

You can see it has an arg sep with default value ' '. That's why space gets inserted in between.

print("United","States")            #Output: United States
print("United","States",sep="")     #Output: UnitedStates

Solution 3:

You can also use

print("%d%d" %(a,b))

to print a and b not seperated by spaces in form of a formatted string. This is similar to the one in c.