Anyone using the ThinkPad fingerprint reader? [closed]

A friend of mine is using Windows 7 on a ThinkPad T60 with the fingerprint reader. Sometimes he needs to swipe his finger twice (probably due to going too fast, or dirt on the lens), but thats about it. Usually works perfectly fine. Under Biometric Devices in Control Panel you can configure it.

Yes, I use it on my T61p and I have Windows 7 (64 bit). Works like a charm. I don't have to type my password any more, so it saves me a lot of time.

The fingerprint reader has 2 levels: Convenient and Secure. As the names imply, the Secure level is more strict about errors while scanning than the Convenient level. I use the Convenient level. The only time it doesn't recognize your fingerprint is when your finger is wet, or you do no scan your finger properly.

I'm on a T400 at work, and have used the fingerprint reader from day one with no problems. One time in fifty it says "Too fast", but by then I've saved MINUTES of typing, and don't mind doing a second swipe. As for the reader getting dirty over time - think about it - it's the only part of the PC that gets dusted off ten times a day. With clean hands it should never be an issue.