Hyper-V - Boot to OS on physical Disk

Solution 1:

I agree with Jon Wadsworth. first I followed his method and failed 😂. The problem is that I can not ust superGrub.iso to boot the physical disk as it can not find the devices attched to hyper-v virtual machine.

Involuntarily I found that I can use a windows installation disk(like cn_windows_10_business_edition_version_1803_updated_sep_2018_x64_dvd_07b164ed.iso) to find and boot the disk.

1 yuo should detach the physical disk from windows disk management.

2 you should ONLy attach the windows installation disk image (.iso) to the hyper-v machine. then start it(if you have both iso file and physical disk attached, there will be an err). err of attaching two disk start vm and you will find "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD." press any key FAST.

3 attach the physical disk.

4 go back to the virtual machine, now you will see the windows installation screen,press"next","repair the your computer",then you will find the boot menu including your boot options of your windows system in the physical disk attached to the virtual machine.

most time ,you should follow the steps above every time you start the virtual machne. while only one time I upgrade the system from 1809 to 1903, it reboot successfully with no err. and after that , it failed giving the err in step 2. So the 4 steps are the stable ways to boot a system.

Solution 2:

Just wanted to point out that without any external ISOs, Windows build 2004 will boot for me when attached to a hyper-V session on a host Windows build 2004 system.

  1. disk manager -> detach (puts my secondary (non boot) volume nvme ssd offline, the one I plan to try to boot in hyperv)

  2. create vm. skip the disk creation.

  3. open vm settings. select physical disk instead of vhd.

  4. WAIT for 90 seconds ore more on first boot for it to give up on the PXE boot.

  5. Let it boot. Log in. Something happens, and it restarts immediately after login.

  6. After second boot up, and second login, system appears stable.

No other actions necessary. Easiest P2V (physical to virtual) spin up ever.