Wirelessly Linking Buildings 1,000 ft Apart

I would like to setup up a wireless network between two buildings together that are about 1,000 ft. apart. The purpose for this connection is to bring basic Internet connectivity to the second building, so super high bandwidth is not necessary. I have yet to do a rooftop inspection but I am hoping that I have line of sight between the buildings.

What equipment would you recommend for this task?

Solution 1:

This should do the job pretty well:

It's a line-of-sight system, but with a 1 mile range and you going only about 1/5 of that I would expect it to work even with a few trees in the way (probably not if there's other buildings, though). The cost is $400 and you still have to mount it, but if you're expecting a quality, stable connection this is really a bargain. They also have a 5Ghz system that might be more appropriate depending on the potential interference, but it costs about twice as much.

Solution 2:

You don't mention budget, but you might be able to build something on the cheap - apparently, pringles cans aren't ideal, but slightly larger cans work pretty well.

Edit: This was actually inspired by an old Cringely column - not sure if any of the links are still valid, but apparently 10km is doable, and it's legal.

Solution 3:

  • You can use bi-directional antenna which should reach atleast 3 miles

  • Outdoor bridges can reach out upto 200 feet

Try a CISCO Aironet 350 wireless outdoor bridge. ($400-$500)

  • High-speed (11-Mbps), high-power (100-mW) radios, delivering building-to-building links of up to 25 miles (40.2 km)
  • A metal case for durability and plenum rating and an extended operating temperature rating for harsh environments
  • Supports both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint configurations
  • Broad range of supported antennas
  • Simplified installation, improved performance, and upgradeable firmware, ensuring investment protection


Solution 4:

Maybe overkill for your exact application, but others with higher data rate needs might consider free air laser ethernet bridges. http://www.digitalairwireless.com/laser-link-free-space-optics.asp