Prevent applications from opening browser

Is there a free application out there that will intercept requests from applications to open a URL and prompt me as to whether or not I want the URL to be opened? (For instance, after Adobe Reader installs, it opens its website to get feedback about the install process.)

Ideally, it would be lightweight software for just this task, but if a larger firewall/security app provides this feature, that would be acceptable.

I'm using windows 7 32-bit.

As stating in a comment below, the idea is that you don't want the browser to open (assume it's not already running), so an extension (e.g. for Chrome, ffox) wouldn't be relevant.

You could try Browser Chooser. It is a program that acts as your default browser but in fact gives you the option of choosing which browser to open an URL with. If you don't want to open the URL just close the Browser Chooser window.