Why is "has come from" used in this sentence rather than "comes from"?
"Pinewood is wood that has come from a pine tree"
Has come is in the present perfect tense.
If you're unsure what tense you are looking at, you can consult a table of conjugations:
Present perfect conjugation of the verb come from reverso conjugation:
he/she/it has come
What is the significance of the present perfect tense?:
The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the present tense and the perfect aspect that is used to express a past event that has present consequences. - Wikipedia
Relating this back to your example sentence:
"Pinewood is wood that has come from a pine tree"
The meaning here is that the wood has has come from a tree, and this has some consequence now. You might for instance hear someone say this if they were making a case now, for less tree felling, and more preservation of natural resources.
"Pinewood has come from a pine tree... Do people not realize this when they go and purchase their trendy new furniture?"
"Pinewood is wood that comes from a pine tree"
Is in the present simple tense, which is:
The tense that is used to refer to events, actions, and conditions that are happening all the time, or exist now. - Cambridge.
You are no longer talking about the past fact that the pinewood was created from a pine tree with present consequences, but simply talking about the fact that pinewood 'comes from' pine trees.
Your first sentence, "Pinewood is wood that has come from a pine tree" illustrates a formal but idiomatic way of defining something in English.
If I were to ask you the following question,
Where does pinewood come from?
you would likely say,
Pinewood comes from pine trees.
Simple enough, yes? If, however, I were to ask you
What is pinewood?
you would likely say
Pinewood is wood that has come from a pine tree.
What is the difference between the two answers? The second answer, above, is the idiomatic way in English of defining something.
If I were to ask you
What is botulism?
and you wanted to give me a standard dictionary definition, you might say
Botulism is a potentially fatal disease which comes from ingesting food containing botulin, the name for the botulinum bacteria found in imperfectly preserved foods (such as sausage).
If, however, I were to ask you
How does someone get botulism?
you would likely say
You get botulism from eating tainted food.
I guess you could say a dictionary definition is a more pedantic way of answering a question about what something is, whereas a less pedantic and more informal way of answering a question about the same something tends to be more direct and succinct.
One more illustration might be helpful. Question:
What is golf?
Idiomatic answer:
The modern sport of golf is a sport that has come from 15th century Scotland, and it is a club-and-ball sport played outdoors on specially designed terrain.
Where did the sport of golf come from?
Non-idiomatic answer:
Modern golf came from 15th century Scotland.
Your second sentence,
Much of the opposition to this plan has come from the media
is simply a statement of fact and not a definition. The words has come from express the present perfect tense (or present perfect simple tense). The present perfect tense requires both an auxiliary verb and a main verb.
The auxiliary verb, such as have or has, is expressed in the present tense, whereas the main verb, such as come, is expressed as a past participle. (A participle is a word formed from a verb that can function as an adjective or gerund or can be used to form the continuous tenses and the perfect tenses of verbs. There are two participle forms: the present participle and the past participle.)
Generally speaking, with a statement of fact--which could be, for example, an answer to a question, the questioner is not looking for a definition but for an explanation of what happened or why something happened. Question:
Where does Legionnaire's disease come from?
Legionnaire's disease comes from the bacterium Legionella pneumophila and is believed to be spread by inhalation of contaminated water vapor from showers and air-conditioning plants.