In Portuguese we call "carola" a (usually old) person who lives through the rules of church, and has no ears for any other reasonable argument. What is this called in English?

Some examples:

"Aquela velha é uma carola: não sai da igreja, tudo que faz é pra agradar o padre." (That old woman is a carola: doesn't leave the church, everything she does is to please the priest.)

"Aquele cara é muito carola, vive com a Bíblia debaixo do braço, e mesmo sendo um estudante de biologia não quer nem entender como a evolução funciona." (That guy is too carola, he lives with a Bible under his arm, and even being a biology student don't even want to understand how evolution works.)

If someone "has no ears for any other reasonable argument", how can this NOT be negative? Not be pejorative? In which world to be irrational, biased and prejudiced may be a good thing?

This site brings nine definitions, with the four most voted bringing only pejorative meanings. It also brings a synonyms list, which includes words like fofoqueiro (gossipy), fanático religioso (religious fanatic), santarrão (sanctimonious), energúmeno (idiot), hipócrita (hypocritical), barata-de-igreja (church-cockroach), chato (annoying) and fanático (fanatic), among others.

Antenor Nascentes dictionary (Bloch Editores, 1988) says: "Carolice = Qualidade de carola; ato próprio de carola, carolismo, beatice." Also "Beatice = Ato de fingida devoção; hipocrisia."

Electronic Houaiss 3.0 says: "Beato = [Uso: pejorativo] Que ou aquele que frequenta muito as igrejas ou que exagera nas demonstrações exteriores de sua fé e virtudes; carola."

Solution 1:

"carola", as defined by Dicionário Priberam of the Portuguese Language, Dicionário Aurelio and DICIO corresponds to what we call "pious" or "extremely devout" in English. Occasionally it takes a pejorative connotation but that depends on context and intonation.

The adjectives "pious" and "devout" come to mind.

TFD defines pious as

a."earnestly compliant in the observance of religion; reverent or devout: a pious nun.

b. Showing or characterized by religious devotion: pious observance.

c. Expressive of or used in religious devotion; devotional: pious readings.


  • She is a pious follower of the catholic church.

  • She is a pious woman.

  • He is a devout christian.

EDIT - Re. the OP's comments below

I've looked "carola" up in a few Portuguese dictionaries and none of them mention a pejorative connotation mentioned by the OP. The only place where a pejorative use is mentioned, is Wikipedia where it says that in addition to its traditional meaning (pious, devout), carola can also be used pejoratively for a person who just pretends to be religious.