Android app starts updating with cordova-webintent and force stops

I have two potential reasons dealing with your problem:

  • Thread related issue, depending on cellphone or tablet's type of processors (how many threads can run simultaneously) keep in mind that cordoba-webintent is an async based call.
  • Both same versions (cordoba-webintent and cordoba) might missing common plugins. (Plugins was meant to be there but not incuded!)

In the first scenario check your manifest first:

     <action android:name="com.example.yourapplication.hello1" />
     <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

Definitely it should have a unique name. Then check your java code, at the place you are calling webintent

startActivity({action: 'com.example.yourapplication.hello1'}) 

a try{} would be handy here to test if webintent fires before or after your application's MainActivity(). Also check the intent "fire" order, if your MainActivity() (has extras) arguments.

The second scenario is to:

  • download cordoba-webintent from gitHub
  • build your apk
  • extract it and find the plugin directory
  • include this plugin directory in your project
  • This way will assure that webintent is installed with the latest update and nothing was wrong during the automated update you run previously.

I hope to pin point a different approach to your case!