Good way to use table alias in Update statement?

Using SqlServer, and trying to update rows from within the same table. I want to use a table alias for readability. This is the way I am doing it at the moment:

SET ra.ItemValue = rb.ItemValue
FROM dbo.Rates ra, dbo.Rates rb
WHERE ra.ResourceID = rb.ResourceID
AND ra.PriceSched = 't8'
AND rb.PriceSched = 't9'

Are there easier / better ways?

   SET ra.ItemValue = rb.ItemValue
  FROM dbo.Rates ra
 INNER JOIN dbo.Rates rb
         ON ra.ResourceID = rb.ResourceID
WHERE ra.PriceSched = 't8'
  AND rb.PriceSched = 't9';

This might help in improving performance.

Table alias in Update Query in T-SQL( Microsoft SQL) . for MS SQL Server 2008 R2 it's work just fine

UPDATE A_GeneralLedger  set ScheduleId=g.ScheduleId
from A_GeneralLedger l inner join A_AcGroup g on g.ACGroupID=l.AccountGroupID