Arbitrary sections in roxygen docs

This support has been added (at least in roxygen2). You just need to add @section Llamas: and then anything after that until a new directive is met will be in a Llamas section. Here is an example

#' Llama llama llama
#' More about llamas
#' @section Llamas:
#' Are they ungulates?
#' @section Not llamas:
#' This section is not about llamas.  It is not very interesting.
#' @param notused A parameter that isn't used at all!
#' @export
llama <- function(notused){
    return("LLAMA LLAMA LLAMA")

which gives the following for the .Rd file

\title{Llama llama llama}
  \item{notused}{A parameter that isn't used at all!}
  More about llamas
  Are they ungulates?

\section{Not llamas}{
  This section is not about llamas.  It is not very