Can I use dagger stealth multiplier on a dragon?

Lately, I've been playing as assassin with a pair of daggers, taking advantage of my x30 damage multiplier from a stealth hit and 100 stealth skill. But unfortunately, when the dragon decides to land, I'm always already discovered and have to fight him in plain sight, which results in very hard fights and a lot of empty healing potions.

Is there a way for me to effectively backstab a dragon?

Solution 1:

Yes, you can backstab them, and with the right equipment you can kill a dragon in a single hit.

Stealthing a dragon is difficult if it has already found you and is in battle -- I personally haven't discovered a way to do this. But dragons that sit on word walls can be snuck up on and then stabbed fairly easily.

If a dragons spots you i would recommend going invisible or hiding until the dragon stops looking for you and then proceeding with sneaking up and stabbing it when it lands.

If you want to see a Stealth dragon kill in action check out this.