What are the movement speed effects of walking & running with or without weapon drawn and heavy or light or no armor?

Clothing is much faster than any armor. Weapons sheathed makes you run faster, and sneak rolling is actually slower than sprinting in light armor. I'm not sure about heavy armor, but I believe rolling is always the same speed. I believe carry weight has a small effect on move speed, so it might be fastest after selling off... I mean DONATING your Dwemer artifacts to a... ahem... MUSEUM.

I think the best movement speed I have come across personally is

  1. Wearing light Armour (can use more stamina that way and i think is generally a bit faster)
  2. Having my bow or two weapons out (only if in sneak mode)
  3. In sneak and rolling, (With weapons out, can roll continually until stamina depletes)

I generally believe rolling in sneak mode does go faster than running, I seem to travel faster, whether you want to try those combinations out,

And then maybe, instead of light Armour, try mage clothes, no Armour, but some what lighter, I think the best way for you is to create a route to go, like from one city to the next, once through rolling, and then through running, leaving on the hour and seeing how long it takes you, see which is faster.

Its worth a try

Hope all this helps
