Can other players see me on their map?

Are other players able to see you on their map in Pokemon Go? I am concerned that if I use the game, stalkers and other such people would be able to find me. I have searched for an answer for this question on other forums, but have yet to find the answer.

No there is no way to see other players except seeing them in person staring at their phones while next to a random fountain.

As of now, there is no way for other Trainers to see you on the map, except for Gyms.

A Trainer looking at a gym can see that you've been there before, or if he sees the gym flip to you, he knows you're there now.

Additionally, players may see who deployed a Lure Patch on a Pokestop. As these only last 30 minutes, it could theoretically be used to trace players. (Thanks, @StephenSchrauger)

Of course, people can always see your screen and know that you play, and potentially who you are in-game.

Other than that, there is no way to locate other Trainers (yet).