Steam won't launch in Windows 10 dual boot with Ubuntu 20.04

I have a laptop with dual boot (Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04). It has been about 2 months that I have been using dual boot. Before I installed Ubuntu 20.04, my Windows 10 had Steam installed. Then I installed Ubuntu 20.04 which works well so far. But on my Windows 10, Steam won't open. Then I disabled the fast startup in Windows 10. Now I can open Steam. But everytime I try to play a game from my library, the game won't launch.

I already tried to re-install the game, but it doesn't work. Then I tried to re-install Steam, and it does not work. Now Steam won't open after I tried to install a game from my libraries. What can I do to fix this?

Solution 1:

I managed to solve the problem by these steps :

  1. Update the windows
  2. Install my NVIDIA GPU driver from the official website.

I tested it by playing Digimon Cyber Sleuth, and it seems stable so far.