How to make one wide tileable, vertical redstone in minecraft

When looking around at multiple sources, I found that vertical redstone was possible, although far from tileable. When designing, this is the closest I came. While it is relatively compact, it expands horizontally too much to be useful, and the torches are not on the same level. My question is, is there any way to reverse the torch cascade, and make it tileable?

enter image description here

Solution 1:

In 1-tileable redstone either avoid dust like a plague or painstakingly engineer the power levels it emits. There are many techniques for transmitting signal in 1-tileable way, and using the best for your job is pretty important.

If you still want the torch cascade, you can exploit the quirk of comparators that they can read container through a block and output its fill level, unless the block is powered to power level 15, then they output 15.

enter image description here

A much neater way is to utilize interleaved slime and honey with pistons (transporting power by up to 12 blocks).

enter image description here

Or you might want to employ pulse-based transmission and simple T flip-flops (just a sticky piston with a redstone block, powered by a short pulse, like from an observer) to convert levels back. One of methods of transporting the signal down like that in 1.16 is using walls and their behavior of forming pillars when something attaches from the side - e.g. a trapdoor opens.

enter image description here

Or you can use observer chains - you can save a lot of resources and speed things up by interleaving observers, solid blocks and blocks that change state in an observable way, like noteblocks or trapdoors.

enter image description here

For horizontal and diagonal transport, rails (powered and activator) are particularly graceful, especially that you can mix them and one kind won't power the other even linked end to end.

enter image description here

Or - as mentioned in the beginning, use dust and specific distance and power level, so that the signal only reaches the destination in the desired slice.

enter image description here

There are other curious and tricky ways of transporting signal in a 1-tileable way, but I think this should get you started.

Solution 2:

I have 2 options.

  1. Observers. Observers take a lot of resources, but can fit in a 1x1 space and can go straight up. Just pile them up.

  2. Slabs and Dust. Place Slabs so that they look like a zipper and go straight up. It should be in a 1x2 area. This method is a bit complicated, so I'll show you an image. Redstone tower