View Current State of Keepalived

Solution 1:

You could use the notify command to write out a state file.

       # for ANY state transition.
       # "notify" script is called AFTER the
       # notify_* script(s) and is executed
       # with 3 arguments provided by keepalived
       # (ie don’t include parameters in the notify line).
       # arguments
       # $1 = "GROUP"|"INSTANCE"
       # $2 = name of group or instance
       # $3 = target state of transition
       #     ("MASTER"|"BACKUP"|"FAULT")
       notify /path/

The create a notify script like:


echo $1 $2 is in $3 state > /var/run/keepalive.$1.$2.state

And a get state script like:


cat /var/run/keepalive.*.*.state

Solution 2:

Reading the current status through SNMP has proven the most reliable for me. To enable this you have to start keepalived with snmp support:

  • add -x to the deamon options (see /etc/sysconfig/keepalived on RedHat based systems)

and install snmpd.

You can then reliably query the status via

snmpget -Oq -Ov -v2c -cpublic localhost KEEPALIVED-MIB::vrrpInstanceState.1

It can also be done throug the notify scripts, but these don't always fire, leaving the state file out of sync with reality.