How do I turn off the alt-shift-uparrow keybinding in GNOME?

After upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, the key sequence ALT-Shift-UpArrow now seems to have a window-manager level definition.

It seems that this is a new unity key sequence. However, I'm using "Classic Ubuntu" on login - i.e. I'm using Gnome. Nevertheless, this new key sequence has its Unity functionality.

I'm an emacs user (where Meta=ALT), and Meta-Shift-UpArrow is a key sequence that I use fairly often (manipulating tables in org-mode). So I'd like to know how to turn off this Unity/Gnome keybinding, so that emacs actually sees this key sequence.

As far as I can see, this keybinding (ALT-Shift-UpArrow) is not mentioned in the Gnome "Keyboard Shortcuts" tool (available from the System->Preferences menu).

Solution 1:

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Dash Home -> CompizConfig Settings Manager-> Scale(icon) under Windows Management Category -> Bindings(tab) -> Initiate Windows Picker -> change to <Shift><Super>Up
