Plugin Error: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled

Solution 1:

In short:

  • Windows (and Linux): Go to File--> Settings--> Plugins --> Enable Android Support

  • Mac: Android Studio--> Preferences--> Plugins --> Enable Android Support

enter image description here

If you look at the error you'll find the solution too :

3- Disable not loaded plugins
2- Enable Android Support
1- Open plugin manager

Solution 2:

I ran into the same error. Here is how I fixed this, at least temporarily (until the pros show the best way to fix this).

(On a Mac) Go to Android Studio -> Preferences -> Plugins. 

You'll notice that "Android Support" Plugin is unchecked. Uncheck the "Google Cloud Testing" plugin and then check the "Android Support" plugin. Hit the Apply button and then click OK. The IDE will ask you to restart to bring the changes into effect. Hit OK and when the IDE restarts, your code should be working fine.

Solution 3:

Go to Settings->Plugins->IDE Settings and just disable and enable again needed plugins. Apply changes when you enable/disable.

Solution 4:

go as flow file-->settings-->plugins. then uncheck the red options. apply settings You will get error message no problem. recheck the unchecked options. press ok. it will request to restart android studio press ok button and it will solve the problem and work again.

Solution 5:

  • Open the file c:\users\username.AndroidStudio2.3\config\disabled_plugins.txt
  • delete the line ""
  • restart Android Studio