NetBeans IDE scaling on Windows 8/10

I'm trying to run NetBeans under Windows 8.1 on a screen with a high DPI. Windows itself has scaling enabled to 400% and everything else looks just fine.

However, when I start NetBeans, it runs as if there's no scaling enabled and I just see tiny little letters in the IDE. I did check the properties under which the IDE starts and they do have "Enable scaling for this program" checked.

I could increase font size in the editor and the error log, which would at least enable me to view what I'm typing on the screen, however, all menus, side-bars, panels, etc, remain very small which is very uncomfortable trying to work with. So any idea how I can make NetBeans scale with Windows 8.1? Currently using NetBeans 8.0.

  • Open C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0\etc\netbeans.conf
  • Change -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true to -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=false

  1. Right click on netbeans icon on desktop.
  2. Choose properties.
  3. Go to Compatibility tab.
  4. Tick Overide high DPI scaling and choose System in dropbox.
  5. Click apply.
  6. Open NetBeans.

Worked on Windows 10 on 4K resolution. Font and buttons are little blurred, but it doesn't bother me much because I am programming not watching movies anyway. Quick fix and easy to undo in case it gets messed up somewhere.
