Solution 1:

To autopopulate the create_join_table command in the command line, it should look like this:

rails g migration CreateJoinTableProductsSuppliers products suppliers

For a Product model and a Supplier model. Rails will create a table titled "products_suppliers". Note the pluralization.

(Side note that generation command can be shortened to just g)

Solution 2:

Run this command to generate the empty migration file (it is not automatically populated, you need to populate it yourself):

rails generate migration assignments_security_users

Open up the generated migration file and add this code:

class AssignmentsSecurityUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :assignments_security_users, :id => false do |t|
      t.integer :assignment_id
      t.integer :security_user_id

Then run rake db:migrate from your terminal. I created a quiz on many_to_many relationships with a simple example that might help you.

Solution 3:

I usually like to have the "model" file as well when I create the join table. Therefore I do.

rails g model AssignmentSecurityUser assignments_security:references user:references