Is a thing described by "every" an "it" or "them"? (Within a particular context)

The sentence in question is this:

I can't forsee every situation, but I can respond to ____

Where ____ is to be filled by either "it" or "them". The meaning/point of this sentence is that the speaker is not able to predict every situation, but is able to react to any that comes up.

Of course, rephrasing is possible, but what would be the glory in that?

Solution 1:

"Every" combines singular and plural. It is used before a singular noun to refer to all the individual members of a set, so it refers to single items occurring multiple times. It doesn't match with purely singular words, like "it", or purely plural words, like "them". It needs to be matched with a word or phrase that similarly refers to singular items multiple times. For example:

I can't forsee every situation, but I can respond to each one.

I can't forsee every situation, but I can respond to them all.