Words originating with Thomas Hardy

I'm teaching a Thomas Hardy class and read somewhere that Hardy was the originator of over 100 common English words in use today. However, I can only find a list of a few. Does anyone know where I can find more? I don't have access to the OED, nor does my college or town library. And I have spent much time searching google.

The OED has its first citation of the following words from Hardy. (That doesn't necessarily mean he coined them all)

  • angle (= 'an act of angling')
  • aquatinted
  • ashlared
  • asseveratingly
  • back-along
  • balconette
  • challengeful
  • cidery
  • coquettishness
  • crack-voiced
  • dand
  • datal
  • declaim (n)
  • deframe
  • disillusive
  • ditchless
  • formularism
  • fountain (v)
  • gownless
  • grintern
  • grizzel (adv)
  • hanker (n)
  • hauling (adj)
  • home-along
  • hoosh (int)
  • hurdler
  • inanimately
  • indemn (v)
  • inheld
  • intervolve (n)
  • judge and jury (v)
  • junctive
  • larry
  • lastage
  • lection (v)
  • loiter (n)
  • maidy
  • misadventurer
  • miss-mark
  • mumbudget
  • nadiral
  • necessitator
  • off-licence
  • ostracizer
  • passager
  • personalized
  • perusing
  • petite mort
  • playward
  • presciencelessness
  • rafted ("disturbed, unsettled")
  • rafting ("that rouses or stirs up")
  • rum-strum (v)
  • skitty-bats/skitty boots
  • spatter (n "a spatterdash or gaiter")
  • stale (n)
  • strumming (adj)
  • tardle (n)
  • transfixture
  • treadle (v)
  • uncabined
  • undergovernment
  • unglamoured
  • vigil (v)
  • warden (v)
  • waying (n)
  • weedery (n: "mourning garments")
  • whorage
  • years-long

The article Thomas Hardy’s lexical landscape in the Oxford Dictionaries Blog notes quite a few, with links to their entries in the online edition of the OED (such as the entry for Wessex). You can apparently browse the definitions with requiring a subscription.

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