"Various" - "Different"

Please, help me to understand the difference in meaning between "various" and "different".

Example sentence:

Various methods of inter-process communication are available in Windows.

Is it possible to build this sentence like:

Different methods of inter-process communication are available in Windows.

Is the second sentence correct? If yes, what would be the difference between the two?

Solution 1:

They are synonyms. Similar to what RegDwight pointed out, there is usually a connotation of many with "various," whereas "different" often refers to distinctions between 2 things.

Solution 2:

For this usage, I think "various" is better, because "different" implies a comparison. Different from what?

For example: "OSX provides certain methods for inter-process communication, while different methods of inter-process communication are available in Windows."

"Different" is certainly used colloquially to mean "various," but I would avoid that in formal or technical contexts.