Looking for a word that has the meaning of "to work on something with doubled, extra effort" [closed]

Solution 1:

PLOW (figuratively)

According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary:

  • to proceed steadily and laboriously

had to plow through a stack of letters.

According to Collin's Dictionary :

  • To proceed in a slow, laborious,  and steady manner (often followed by through):

The researcher plowed through a pile of reports.

According to Oxford Living Dictionary:

  • Advance or progress laboriously or forcibly.

the students are ploughing through a set of grammar exercises

These definitions and examples illustrate a typical linguistic phenomenon – the semantic development of the word.

In our case there is the so called 'meaning generalization'.

The name of the agricultural labor is metaphorically transferred to any labor (both physical and mental).

The transfer is based on the similarity of hard work, typical both for peasants and other workers (including researchers).

Solution 2:

Try using the verb strive:


1. Make great efforts to achieve or obtain something. ‘national movements were striving for independence’ (Oxford)

In the definition quoted above, the phrase "great efforts" might suggest that the effort is doubled or extra.

Additionally, among the words like great, big, sublime, lofty, lordly and giant, here 'great' implies "better than average". That's why it's absolutely correct to conclude (again) that the effort being/been made, is doubled or extra.

If this doesn't suit, there's a suitable phrase for what you want here: "go the extra mile"

to make more effort than is expected of you: