What do you call a ticket/pass for several sightseeing attractions?

Assume you are traveling in a place, and there may be several tourist attractions. And you'd like to buy a ticket that can be used for several sites and is usually cheaper than if you buy every single ticket for every single site. Do you have a word for that ticket such as an all-mighty ticket or whatever I guess?

Solution 1:

It is often called a combination ticket (or 'combo ticket') in many countries.

(About 71,000 results by Google)

Solution 2:

You could call it an all-in-one ticket:

combining two or more items or functions in a single unit.

"an all-in-one shampoo/conditioner"

Similarly, you could also call it an all-inclusive ticket:

including everything or everyone.

"the tab for the all-inclusive dinner is $38"

There really isn't a single word that describes these, as it's going to depend more on the city you're in, the tour company you're using, etc. But I think most people would know what you meant with either of the above options, depending on the context you use them in.

Solution 3:

Possibilities: 'multi-site pass/ticket', 'universal pass/ticket' and 'all-in ticket'. I think the latter has a nice ring to it.