How can I force a minimum number of decimal places in

I'm getting an annoying inconsistency when I'm writing decimals to json using Sometimes it's to 1 dp, other times 2.

Obviously I'm aware of solutions to output decimals to strings with a certain number of decimals such as this, but you don't have that control using without writing a custom serializer I guess.

I am also aware of Math.Round to enforce a maximum number of decimal places, this question relates to enforcing a minimum number of decimal places.

The first two tests show what is happening, it is keeping the original number of decimal places from the declaration or calculation.

I found I can add and then subtract a small fraction which the next two tests show working, but is there a cleaner way?

public sealed class DecimalPlaces
    public class JsonType
        public decimal Value { get; set; }

    public void TwoDp()
        var obj = new JsonType { Value = 1.00m };
        Assert.AreEqual("{\"Value\":1.00}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj));

    public void OneDp()
        var json = new JsonType { Value = 1.0m };
        Assert.AreEqual("{\"Value\":1.0}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj));

    private decimal ForceMinimumDp(decimal p, int minDecimalPlaces)
        decimal smallFrac = 1m/((decimal)Math.Pow(10, minDecimalPlaces));
        return p + smallFrac - smallFrac;

    public void ForceMinimumTwoDp()
        var obj = new JsonType { Value = ForceMinimumDp(1.0m, 2) };
        Assert.AreEqual("{\"Value\":1.00}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj));

    public void ForceMinimumThreeDp()
        var obj = new JsonType { Value = ForceMinimumDp(1.0m, 3) };
        Assert.AreEqual("{\"Value\":1.000}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj));

You can do it with a custom JSON converter:

class DecimalJsonConverter : JsonConverter
    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        return objectType == typeof (decimal);

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue,
        JsonSerializer serializer)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        writer.WriteRawValue(((decimal) value).ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

This is a very basic converter. You may need to extend it to support other floating-point types, or perhaps even integer types too.

Now instantiate your serialiser and pass it your custom converter, like so:

var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
serializer.Converters.Add(new DecimalJsonConverter());

I know this is an old question but I had a similar problem where I am automating the verification of a JSON API responses, where I needed to force a minimum of 3 decimal places. I thought that I'd leave my somewhat generic solution here as it may help someone and save them time if they have a similar issue.

The actual JSON returned zero padded to 3 decimal places if there were only 1 or 2 digits after the decimal place.

My expected verification data then needed to also zero pad e.g.

10.3   pad to 10.300
10.34  pad to 10.340
10.345 leave as is as will match the actual

I built up my expected in the following manner, which solved the problem for me:

 public static decimal GetRate(
            string fromCurrency,
            string toCurrency,
            decimal rawRate,
            decimal margin)
            if (fromCurrency == toCurrency) return 1m;

        var _rate = Math.Round(rawRate * (1 + (margin / 100)), 7);
        var _numberOfPlacesAfterDecimalPlace = _rate.ToString().Split('.')[1].Length;

        // NOTE: Software API response stores precision value to 3 decimal places, need to cater 
        // for that here for currency pairs where the resulting rate has less than 3 decimal places.
        // This will zero pad the result after the decimal place to 3 places
        if (_numberOfPlacesAfterDecimalPlace >= 3) { return _rate; }
        return Decimal.Parse(string.Format("{0:F3}", _rate));

My solution avoided the need for me to write a custom JSON converter for this particular issue.