Word or phrase for set of events with no context as to timing

What is a word to use for a set of events that are reported with no context in terms of date or time, or frequency? The speaker claims, "someone told us you did X", but we don't know if they're claiming this happened one time or fifty times, and whether it was days ago, months ago, years ago or spread over some other span of time.

Example: The speaker's accusation to my friend that "someone told us you did this," was, I assured her, of limited value given that it was unattributed, [unquantified], [undated] and [_______].

Vague, defined by Google’s dictionary, would be a good choice:

of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning. "many patients suffer vague symptoms" synonyms: indistinct, indefinite, indeterminate, unclear; More thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way. "he had been very vague about his activities" synonyms: imprecise, inexact, rough, approximate, inexplicit, nonspecific, loose, ill-defined, generalized, ambiguous, equivocal, hazy, woolly;