Ruby on Rails 3 howto make 'OR' condition

Solution 1:

Account.where(id: [1,2]) no explanation needed.

Solution 2:

This will works in Rails 5, see rails master :

Post.where('id = 1').or(Post.where('id = 2'))
# => SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (id = 1) OR (id = 2)

For Rails 3.0.4+:

accounts = Account.arel_table

Solution 3:

Those arel queries are unreadable to me.

What's wrong with a SQL string? In fact, the Rails guides exposes this way as the first way to make conditions in queries:

So, I bet for this way to do it as the "Rails way":

Account.where("id = 1 OR id = 2")

In my humble opinion, it's shorter and clearer.

Solution 4:

Sadly, the .or isn't implemented yet (but when it is, it'll be AWESOME).

So you'll have to do something like:

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :sufficient_data, :conditions=>['ratio_story_completion != 0 OR ratio_differential != 0']
  scope :profitable, :conditions=>['profit > 0']

That way you can still be awesome and do:


Solution 5:

I'd go with the IN clause, e.g:

Account.where(["id in (?)", [1, 2]])