Expo: Change default IOS simulator

I am new in expo and react-native Whenever i run the app from IOS simulator (inside expo) it always boots up the IphoneX. If i need to change the simulator,I have to open it through Xcode, is there any way we can change the default simulator ?

Solution 1:

expo included an option in recent commits regarding this issue.

now you can tap shift+i on terminal which expo server is running.It will list all simulators and you need to select your choice.


Solution 2:

Currently there is no way of changing the simulator from Expo. Expo just uses the last opened simulator in Xcode.

If that doesn't work, try this (updated here from my comment) :

  1. When the simulator is open click on Hardware>Device> Select the other iphone.

  2. Now both will be open. Next exit the simulator from the dock.

  3. Now try and open your project in the ios simulator from expo. It should open in the Simulator you selected from the hardware menu.