Windows 10: Fastest way to move millions of tiny files from one directory to another

I have 16 subdirectories which all contain somewhere between 1m-1.5m files each (roughly 18m files in total), but I need all the files to be in a single directory. Each file is tiny (35-100 bytes each). The total combined size of the files is relatively small - around 600mb - but it appears to be the sheer amount of them that's causing the issues.

So far I've tried:

Windows move: Didn't even get started. It said it would take 'about a day' to calculate the move. Gave up after 2 hours of calculating.

DOS move: This works great for the first 500-600k files (moving around 10k files per second), but starts to slow down noticeably as it drags towards the million mark, doing about 100 files every 2 seconds.

7Zip: I've read suggestions that zipping up the entire folder and then extracting it in the destination would be WAY quicker; however using the GUI it just crashed explorer after a few minutes; using the command line was incredibly slow (100 files every few seconds)

DOS robocopy: Having already moved ~1m files yesterday, I ran robocopy src_folder dest_folder *.log just to shift the last of what was in the first directory. It took 27 minutes to move ~12k files.

No matter what method I choose, it seems that the number of files in the destination folder is what causes the issue. If there are more than a million files in the destination, the move/copy slows to an absolute crawl regardless of the method.

Any ideas on how to achieve this that won't take days/weeks? For reference it's on a single SSD on a single machine: 64-bit, 16gb RAM, 8 threads.

Solution 1:

This PowerShell script, which has been tested with many positive responses, invokes Robocopy and is much faster; simply change a few parameters [destination, etc.] and you're good to go:

$max_jobs = 10
$tstart = get-date
$log = "C:\Robo\Logs"

$src = Read-Host -Prompt 'Source path'
  if(! ($src.EndsWith("\") )){$src=$src + "\"}

$dest = Read-Host -Prompt 'Destination path'
  if(! ($dest.EndsWith("\") )){$dest=$dest + "\"}

if((Test-Path -Path $src ))
  if(!(Test-Path -Path $log )){New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $log}
  if((Test-Path -Path $dest)){
    robocopy $src $dest
    $files = ls $src

    $files | %{
      $ScriptBlock = {
        param($name, $src, $dest, $log)
        $log += "\$name-$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-mm-ss).log"
        robocopy $src$name $dest$name /E /nfl /np /mt:16 /ndl > $log
        Write-Host $src$name " completed"

      $j = Get-Job -State "Running"
      while ($j.count -ge $max_jobs) 
       Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
       $j = Get-Job -State "Running"
      Get-job -State "Completed" | Receive-job
      Remove-job -State "Completed"
      tart-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $_,$src,$dest,$log

    While (Get-Job -State "Running") { Start-Sleep 2 }
    Remove-Job -State "Completed" 
    Get-Job | Write-host

    $tend = get-date

    Echo 'Completed copy'
    Echo 'From: $src'
    Echo 'To: $Dest'
    new-timespan -start $tstart -end $tend

  } else {echo 'invalid Destination'}
} else {echo 'invalid Source'}