Is there a way to quickly identify the range of a formula from a cell in the range

I have been trying to Google what I want, but is not able to find the right page for me.

Here is my question.

We all know that in Excel, you can apply a formula to a range of cells.

Now I am given a Excel spreadsheet and I want to be able to find out the range a formula is applied to from a cell within the range ?

Is there a quick way to do so please?

For example: Assume that the cells A1, A2, B1 and B2 together hold the result when applying a formula F (using control + shift +enter). My question is that, if I am on cell A1, how can I know that A2, B1 and B2 are also part of the same result from F?

It's possible with this short macro.

Public Sub SelectArrayRange()
    With Selection
        If .HasArray Then
        End If
    End With
End Sub

It checks if selected cell contains an array formula. If yes, it selects whole range of this array formula. Does nothing when multiple cells are selected (one exception is when the whole area is a part of the same array function).

You can run this macro by a custom keyboard shortcut. See chapters Before you run macros and Run a macro by pressing a combination shortcut key on Excel support page for details