Why is an int-to-Object comparison valid in Java 7, but not in Java 8?

The following code,

private boolean compare(Object a, int b) {
    return a == b;

compiles in Java 7, but it results in the following error in Java 8:

incomparable types: int and Object

Looking at the following question:

Comparing Object and int in Java 7

It seems like Java 6 and Java 8 don't let you compare int and Object, while 7 does. Is there any documentation on this?

I'm interested in the background knowledge that informed these decisions. It seems like they were undecided or something.

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4 with JDK

Java 7 applies autoboxing to the int.

 private boolean compare(java.lang.Object, int);
      0: aload_1
      1: iload_2
      2: invokestatic  #2       // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
      5: if_acmpne     12
      8: iconst_1
      9: goto          13
     12: iconst_0
     13: ireturn

I created this with build 1.7.0_71-b14


This behaviour was recognized and treated as bug by Oracle:
JDK-8013357: Javac accepts erroneous binary comparison operations

Relevant JLS section is 15.21. Javac seems to treat this as a reference comparison, but a reference comparison is only allowed when BOTH operands are reference types.
The type rules for binary comparisons in JLS Section 15.21 will now be correctly enforced by javac. Since JDK5, javac has accepted some programs with Object-primitive comparisons that are incorrectly typed according to JLS 15.21. These comparisons will now be correctly identified as type errors.

The JLS - Chapter 15. Equality Operators mentions 3 different == operators: numerical, boolean and reference. None of the == operators can happen in your example, so we conclude that the statement is illegal.

Let's see why == cannot be applied in your example:

  • 15.21.2. Boolean Equality Operators == and !=

    No need to mention why it's not relevant..

  • 15.21.3. Reference Equality Operators == and !=

    If the operands of an equality operator are both of either reference type or the null type, then the operation is object equality.

    It is a compile-time error if it is impossible to convert the type of either operand to the type of the other by a casting conversion (§5.5). The run-time values of the two operands would necessarily be unequal.

  • 15.21.1. Numerical Equality Operators == and !=

    If the operands of an equality operator are both of numeric type, or one is of numeric type and the other is convertible (§5.1.8) to numeric type, binary numeric promotion is performed on the operands (§5.6.2).

Now let's assume it's legal and the compiler changed the line to:

if (a == new Integer(b))

What do you expect the result to be? The condition will never evaluate to true, so it makes sense that it's a bug that was fixed in Java 8.

I could not get an example to compile (fixing bool → boolean) with javac 1.7.0_75, nor with javac 1.8.0_60. I don't have a JDK6, but I don't think it should have worked there either. Perhaps it is an earlier ecj incompatibility, as Axel hints, or a bug in a different minor version of javac.

In any event, if it works, it is due to autoboxing. This may have been pared back in preparation for Java 8, because streams and autoboxing don't mix too well.