giving permission to program to run with out confirmation in start command windows

I am using this

start /b C:\wamp\wampmanager.exe

command to start a program in my windows( Windows 7 Ultimate - 64 bit).

But then the program want a permission to run

Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher make changes to this computer

Is there any way to give this permission as a parameter to the star command or using another command so that the program start with this permission and don't ask.

This issue has actually been discussed in a number of previous SU questions and answers, such as these and others:

  • creating-an-elevated-shortcut-allowing-uac-to-be-bypassed-for-certain-trusted
  • how-to-run-program-from-command-line-with-elevated-rights
  • is-there-any-sudo-command-for-windows
  • prevent-elevation-uac-for-an-application-that-doesnt-need-it
  • how-can-i-auto-elevate-my-batch-file-so-that-it-requests-from-uac-admin-rights

You generally want to solve the problem in a manner that gives permissions to a specific program rather than reducing the UAC protection in general. Some of the solutions include:

  1. Using a third party utility to create a UAC workaround for the program, such as these and others:

    • UAC Pass
    • UAC Trust Shortcut
    • Hidden Start
    • ElevatedShortcut
    • ShellRunas from Microsoft

  2. Creating a Task Scheduler task with elevated privileges. This is discussed in several of the above mentioned links and web links with the details are plentiful. This one shows the procedure in detail: task-scheduler-bypass-uac-prompt. The gist of this technique is that you create a task with elevated privileges and then call that task.

  3. Invoking a command such as runas or elevate (may require Powershell).

  4. Modifying the characteristics or settings of the program use Microsoft's Application Compatibility Toolkit "to shim the application with the RunAsInvoker fix, which forces the app to run with your standard user tokens". (This one is probably best left for advanced users.)

The Task Scheduler technique doesn't require any other utilities and is pretty straightforward to set up.