Can regular JavaScript be converted to asm.js, or is it only to speed up statically-typed low-level languages?

I have read the question How to test and develop with asm.js?, and the accepted answer gives a link to

The conclusion of that slide show is that "Statically-typed languages and especially C/C++ can be compiled effectively to JavaScript", so we can "expect the speed of compiled C/C++ to get to just 2X slower than native code, or better, later this year".

But what about non-statically-typed languages, such as regular JavaScript itself? Can it be compiled to asm.js?

Can JavaScript itself be compiled to asm.js?

Not really, because of its dynamic nature. It's the same problem as when trying to compile it to C or even to native code - you actually would need to ship a VM with it to take care of those non-static aspects. At least, such a VM is possible:

js.js is a JavaScript interpreter in JavaScript. Instead of trying to create an interpreter from scratch, SpiderMonkey is compiled into LLVM and then emscripten translates the output into JavaScript.

But if asmjs code runs faster than regular JS, then it makes sense to compile JS to asmjs, no?

No. asm.js is a quite restricted subset of JS that can be easily translated to bytecode. Yet you first would need to break down all the advanced features of JS to that subset for getting this advantage - a quite complicated task imo. But JavaScript engines are designed and optimized to translate all those advanced features directly into bytecode - so why bother about an intermediate step like asm.js? Js.js claims to be around 200 times slower than "native" JS.

And what about non-statically-typed languages in general?

The slideshow talks about that from …Just C/C++? onwards. Specifically:

Dynamic Languages

Entire C/C++ runtimes can be compiled and the original language interpreted with proper semantics, but this is not lightweight

Source-to-source compilers from such languages to JavaScript ignore semantic differences (for example, numeric types)

Actually, these languages depend on special VMs to be efficient

Source-to-source compilers for them lose out on the optimizations done in those VMs

In response to the general question "is it possible?" then the answer is that sure, both JavaScript and the asm.js subset are Turing complete so a translation exists.

Whether one should do this and expect a performance benefit is a different question. The short answer is "no, you shouldn't." I liken this to trying to compress a compressed file; yes, it is possible to run the compression algorithm, but in general you should not expect the resulting file to be smaller.

The short answer: The performance cost of dynamically-typed languages comes from the meaning of the code; a statically-typed program with an equivalent meaning would carry the same costs.

To understand this, it is important to understand why asm.js offers a performance benefit at all; or, more generally, why statically-typed languages perform better than dynamically-typed ones. The short answer is "run-time type checking takes time," and a longer answer would include the improved feasibility of optimizing statically-typed code. For example:

function a(x) { return x + 1; }
function b(x) { return x - 1; }
function c(x, y) { return a(x) + b(y); }

If x and y are both known to be integers, I can optimize function c to a couple of machine code instructions. If they could be integers or strings, the optimization problem becomes much harder; I have to treat these as string appends in some cases, and addition in other cases. In particular, there are four possible interpretations of the addition operation that occurs in c; it could be addition, or string append, or two different variants of coerce-to-string-and-append. As you add more possible types, the number of possible permutations grows; in the worst case for a dynamically-typed language, you have k^n possible interpretations of an expression involving n terms which could each have any number of k types. In a statically typed language, k=1, so there is always 1 interpretation of any given expression. Because of this, optimizers are fundamentally more efficient at optimizing statically-typed code than dynamically-typed code: There are fewer permutations to consider when searching for opportunities to optimize.

The point here is that when converting from dynamically-typed code to statically-typed code (as you'd be doing when going from JavaScript to asm.js), you have to account for the semantics of the original code. Meaning the type-checking still occurs (it's just now been spelled out statically-typed code) and all those permutations are still present to stifle the compiler.