Alternatives to "exponentially bigger"

One idiom that grinds my gears is "exponentially bigger" outside of an actual (exponential) trend, e.g. in pairwise comparisons like "A is exponentially bigger than B".

What is a good idiom for expressing the idea that one thing is much much larger than another in a qualitative sense?

Some examples

Guys have a level of insecurity and vulnerability that's exponentially bigger than you think. With the primal urge to be alpha comes extreme heartbreak. The harder we fight, the harder we fall. Read more at:

Torchlight II promises To Be Exponentially Bigger Than Original

Stephen A. Smith: If Serena Williams Were White, Her Exposure Would Be 'Exponentially Bigger and Better'

When you say "bigger", you are comparing 2 magnitudes.
When you look at 2 points representing these magnitudes in a Cartesian plane, absent any other points, you can't tell what the rule is for getting from the first to the second. Was it simpy addition? Multiplication? Exponentiation?
When you tell me to imagine 2 such points, and tell me the 2nd is exponentially bigger, all I can say for certainty is that the 2nd is bigger than the first. but I have no way of knowing how much bigger. It could be bigger by a very small amount, and still lie on an exponential curve the other one lies on too.
So if you want to say much bigger, say that. If you wanted to say tens or hundreds or thousands of times as big, say one of those. If you're just trying for hyperbolic effect, say something like humongously bigger and your hearer will know you're not committing to any specifics.