Still Possible to set Shuffle Settings on Iframe Embed Code?

I am deciding whether or not I should use the full YouTube API (registering for an API key, calling the YouTube JS and building the player from scratch) or if I should just register for an YouTube account, build a playlist and load this playlist on a client's website as is (using the iframe embed code, seen below):

  <iframe width="100%" height="315" 
  &autoplay=1&rel=0&loop=1&shuffle=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

The embed code is easy enough, but from viewing earlier videos on YouTube Playlist settings, YouTube has removed quite a bit of functionality from basic playlist settings (autoplay, shuffling videos on play, start/stop times of each video in playlist, etc.)

I would imagine the switch for shuffle should be as easy as "&shuffle=1" or something like that. I'm not sure why YouTube makes it so difficult to comprehend new settings after having removed such a powerful feature from such a simple embed code.

Any ideas?

You can find all the embed parameters YouTube supports here.