Comparing $2013!$ and $1007^{2013}$

$1\times 2\times\ldots\times 2012\times 2013$

$=(1007-1006)\times(1007-1005)\times\ldots\times (1007+1005)\times(1007+1006)$

$=(1007^2-1006^2)\times (1007^2-1005^2)\times\ldots\times (1007^2-1^2)\times 1007$

$<(1007^2)^{1006}\times 1007$


You can just take the inequality between the arithmetic and geometric means:

$$\sqrt[n]{a_1a_2\dots a_n}\leq \frac{a_1+a_2\dots+a_n}{n}$$

with $a_i=i$ and $n=2013$. Then $\sqrt[2013]{2013!} \leq 1007$.

Use Stirling’s approximation for the factorial:

$$n!\sim\sqrt{2\pi n}\left(\frac{n}e\right)^n\;,$$

so $$2013!\approx 112.46356(740.54132)^{2013}<1007^{2013}\;.$$

For a less computational approach, look at their ratio:

$$\begin{align*}\frac{2013!}{{1007}^{2013}}&=\frac{2013\cdot2012\cdot\ldots\cdot2\cdot1}{1007\cdot1007\cdot\ldots\cdot1007\cdot1007}\\\\ &=\underbrace{\frac{2013}{1007}\cdot\frac{2012}{1007}\cdot\frac{2011}{1007}\cdot\ldots\cdot\frac{1008}{1007}}_{1006\text{ factors}}\cdot\frac{1007}{1007}\cdot\underbrace{\frac{1006}{1007}\ldots\cdot\frac2{1007}\cdot\frac1{1007}}_{1006\text{ factors}}\;. \end{align*}$$

The $1006$ factors on the left are between $1$ and $2$; the factors on the right are between $1$ and $\frac1{1007}$. Try matching them up.

The number you used is still small enough to be calculated directly, so I used Python which have unlimited precision integer arithmetic to get the answer:

>>> math.factorial(2013) < 1007**2013

$2013!$ is a 5779-digit number:


and $1007^{2013}$ is a 6046-digit number:


(though I guess this is not really what you're looking for)

Let $j \in \{1,2,\dots,2013\}$.

When $j$ is small, $1007$ is much larger in size than $j$. [For e.g. $1007 = 1007 \cdot 1$] So for small $j$, the $j$-th factor in $1007^{2013}$ is much larger in size than the $j$-th factor in $2013!$.

But when $j$ is large, $j$ is not that much larger than $1007$. [For e.g. $2013 < 1007 \cdot 2$] So for large $j$, the $j$-th factor in $2013!$ is not that much larger in size than the $j$-th factor in $1007^{2013}$.

Does this line of reasoning help you find an answer to this question?

[Notice also that $1007$ is the median (midpoint) of $\{1,2,\dots,2013\}$.]