How do you calculate $ 2^{2^{2^{2^{2}}}} $?


The number of digits:


What you have is a power tower or "tetration" (defined as iterated exponentiation). From the latter link, you would most benefit from this brief excerpt on the difference between iterated powers and iterated exponentials.

The comment by JMoravitz really gets to the heart of the matter, namely that exponential towers must be evaluated from top to bottom (or right to left). There actually is a notation for your particular question: ${}^52=2^{2^{2^{2^{2}}}}$. You really need to look at ${}^42$ before you get something meaningful because, unfortunately, $$ {}^32=2^{2^{2}}=2^4=16=4^2=(2^2)^2; $$ however, $$ {}^42=2^{2^{2^{2}}}=2^{2^{4}}=2^{16}\neq2^8=(4^2)^2=((2^2)^2)^2. $$ Hence, your method is wrong, but everything in those links should provide more than enough for you to become comfortable with tetration.