How to represent "not an empty set"?

I'm writing a academic paper and need to represent "A is not the empty set". What is usual way for professional mathematicians?

My idea is:

$|A| > 0$

However, using the emptyset $\emptyset$ might be more intuitive:

$A\ != \emptyset$

But, I know "!=" is not permissible in math community (only in programmers).


Sorry, I fixed the second equation: $|A|\ != \emptyset \rightarrow A\ != \emptyset$

Solution 1:

It is perfectly fine to write $|A|>0$. However, the simplest and most common way to write this in symbols would be $$A\neq\emptyset.$$ Note that you don't want to write $|A|\neq \emptyset$, as it is $A$ itself which you are saying is not the empty set, rather than the cardinality of $A$.

(The standard symbol in mathematics for "not equal" is $\neq$, rather than $!{=}$. You can make this symbol in $\LaTeX$ with the command \neq.)

As mentioned in user21820's nice answer below, though, it is also very common to just write this in words ("$A$ is not empty" or "$A$ is nonempty") instead of symbols.

Solution 2:

None of the other answers so far mention that professional mathematicians don't specially go out of the way to convert everything to symbols. "$A$ is non-empty" is indeed the most common way to express the statement. Furthermore, for complicated structures it is almost always expressed this way, such as:

Given any non-empty chain of fields ordered by inclusion, their union is also a field.