What does “Trump opposes women who were born women” really mean?

New Yorker April 22 issue carried Andy Borowitz’s article that came under the title, “Trump reassures supporters that he still opposes women who were born women.” It begins with the following passage:

“After rattling many of his supporters by expressing tolerance toward transgender people, the Republican front-runner Donald J. Trump clarified on Friday that he still opposes women who were born women. “The media has tried to blow my words out of proportion,” Trump said on the Fox News Channel. “Just because I happen to think transgender people deserve our understanding in no way means that I feel that way about women who were born women.” http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/trump-reassures-supporters-that-he-still-opposes-women-who-were-born-women?

What does “women who were born women” mean? Doesn’t it mean “women in general, which represents a half all of electoral votes”? If so, why does he “still oppose women who were born women, and turning women into his enemy? Doesn’t this massage contradict with his subsequent remark?

Trump said that any attempt to twist his words to apply to “women in general” was deeply offensive to him. “I have made my views about women very clear and to suggest that I have somehow changed those views is really, really hurtful,” he said.

Isn’t some words, like “who suspect” missing from the headline, “Trump reassures supporters that he still opposes women who were born women.”?

Solution 1:

This is satire. The writer is making fun of Trump after Trump came out with a statement supporting transgender rights. Trump is widely viewed as a sexist pig who instinctually objectifies women--he is someone who is said to hate women, because he sees them as for his own sexual gratification and nothing else. This appeals to his right-wing supporters. So, now, he says something intelligent about leaving transgender people alone, and the right wing is throwing a fit. This article is a joke suggesting that Trump is trying to placate the right wing by assuring them that he still hates women who were born women (i.e., who are not transgender.)