A single word for an immigrant from a different part of the same country

I have heard the word "transplant" used to describe people who are living in a place or city that they did not grow up in.

From Oxford Dictionaries Online:




A person or thing that has been moved to a new place or situation.

The Gang actually was a band of Florida transplants who moved north for bigger purses.

You can refer to them as new residents. Sample usage:

For the second straight year, Florida registered the top migration rate of any state, with about 16 new residents per 1,000 population. After slowing somewhat during the recession, migration has picked back up as more retirees establish residency in the Sunshine State.
Where Are Americans Moving? According to New Census Data, Utah.

Depending where they are from you could call them:

  • northerners, southerners, westerners or easterlings
  • country folk
  • bushies
  • provincials
  • rurals
  • itinerants