What is a word/phrase to describe someone who thinks someone else is perfect? [closed]

What is a word/phrase to describe someone who thinks someone else is perfect? For instance, if parents think that their child can do no wrong, then they are . . .? (Not necessarily biased or partial, because it is not in comparison to anyone else)

Solution 1:

How about the really common admiring?

to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval.

Also, consider idolizing

to regard with blind adoration, devotion, etc.

Worshiping is relevant, but I'm not 100% sure if it fits your exact request.

And glorifying

to honor with praise, admiration, or worship

Solution 2:

At the risk of being a bit too obvious, there is always Awestruck, which, quite literally means

Filled with Awe

It's not necessarily an appropriate term to use for parents who think their child can do no wrong - but then, I wouldn't describe that as Awe.

Now a child who thinks their parent can do no wrong- that's a strong use of both 'awe' and 'awestruck'.

Solution 3:

Doting would be a good word here.

showing a lot of love for somebody, often ignoring their faults

Solution 4:

I would suggest Adoring

from adore: to regard with the utmost esteem, love, and respect; honor. (Dictionary.com)