Alternative terms for meaning "wake up"

What other terms or expressions can be used to say "wake up", either slang or not?

I have read about "quake up", but as English is not my natural language I am not sure of how used is this expression.

Can you list other expressions?

Some of the alternatives that you can use (if you use 'wake up' in the sense 'wake someone up').

  1. Awake
  2. Rouse

Or if you want to use it as in "I wake up", you can say,

  1. Get up
  2. Stir

I am not sure I have heard of 'quake up', but these might be others who are familiar with the term.

You can say:

Get up (I got up. Go get your sister up.)

Rise (I will rise at 10 AM. Not common.)

Rise and shine (Rise and shine, sleepyhead! This is exclusively said about someone else, never yourself.)

Wake up (I woke up around 10 AM)

Arise (I arose around 10 AM)

Get out of bed (I got out of bed at 10 AM)

Rouse (I roused around 10 AM)

For the transitive case, "wake" works as well as "wake up", as in "go wake your father; it's time for dinner".