How do I hide the rabbits generated by the Youtube Rabbit Hole extension?

Solution 1:

The extension itself says:

  • Replace suggested content with cute bunnies!
  • Hide comments (including livestream chats)
  • Disable the trending and subscriptions pages

Which means that the things hidden will be replaced by cute bunnies. Since this is a feature of extension itself, it will be there unless the extension is removed (or if it can be - paused). If you wish to remove the image, uninstall the extension and reload the page.

Solution 2:

The intention of the Youtube Rabbit Hole extension is to replace the sidebar with rabbit images. If you want to hide the sidebar and also the bunnies, then you can hide specific HTML elements by using dedicated extensions.

In this case, you want to use CSS such as: ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer { display: none; }