RTSP feed with ffmpeg and the Mac camera

I have two Macs in my network. On the first one I want to capture the FaceTime camera via ffmpeg and make a RTSP feed available on the network, which I can watch on the second Mac.

Solution 1:

I successfully implemented something close to this (not true RTSP, but instead RTP streaming over UDP) with the following hardware and software:

  • 2012 Macbook Pro, macOS Mojave 10.14.6
  • ffmpeg version 3.4.8
  • ffplay version 4.3.2 (my executable was named ffplay4)

List the audio and video input devices with ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i ""

On the 2012 MBP, the first video device (index 0) is FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) and the first audio device (index 0) is Built-in Microphone.

The video capture/sending and the video receipt/playback can be done on the same machine, or ffmpeg can send to a remote IP. In this example, it is sending an MPEG transport stream over UDP to the loopback address but that could just as easily be the IP address and port of another Mac:

ffmpeg \
  -f avfoundation \
  -pix_fmt yuyv422 \
  -video_size 320x240 \
  -framerate 15 \
  -i "0:0" -ac 2 \
  -vf format=yuyv422 \
  -vcodec libx264 -maxrate 2000k \
  -bufsize 2000k -acodec aac -ar 44100 -b:a 128k \
  -f rtp_mpegts udp://

To receive and play the video:

ffplay4 -i udp://@

It may take a few seconds to start up and there will be a few errors at first, but the video should begin playing in ffplay4 within a couple seconds.

Bonus: this stream is also viewable with VLC (version 3.0.12). File->Open Network->URL rtp://@ Again, it will take a few seconds (5-10) to begin displaying the video.

Happy streaming.